Category: Bike Rides 2006
Hits: 5413

busy, busy, busy.

Unfortunately, the last Spokes Ride did not occur. We went to Caffe Nero on Lothian Road, ate cake, drank coffee and chatted. So even if we don't have a ride, its still worth tuning up for a natter. I did feel a bit guilty, with the sun shining. I didn't even turn up on the bike. Good job too. Five seconds after boarding the bus to go home, and it absolutely tipped it down. Them angels have big buckets. So hopefully those of you who turned up, didn't get too wet going home. Also hopefully, the bionic woman with her new knee didn't rust!!!

Christmas Spirit

Sorry for the delay, the time of year when we let a strange old man give free gifts to kids, so I have been busy. I presume you all are full, or overflowing, with the Christmas spirit. Having been presented with a bottle of Highland Park, I know exactly which spirit I prefer.

I was busy doing an interview on Talk107 FM, which went OK I feel. It would have been better if I had time to prepare for the thing, but they phoned me up on Friday, the day before it was to happen. So given the circumstances, I think I covered everything they asked.

Anyway, we met a sub-editor who works on the Scotsman's cycling column. She came along encouraged by a previous article about Rides that occur in Edinburgh. Unfortunately we didn't actually go anywhere, and she lived just around the corner too!!! We couldn't have made too bad an impression, the column was still there last week, although I wouldn't say two columns about the experiences of replacing a chain and gear cassette were that riveting.

I have also been busy changing the Spokes website. So have a look at the new theme, and let me know what you think, even if you think its pants.

There is the CTC ride this Sunday, and the weather forecast looks quite good. So if you're fed up with Christmas shopping and / or riding in to a 35 mph wind, go along this Sunday.

The next Spokes Ride is on January 7th 2007. This ride is normally very short as it has become tradition for me to serve festive bites after the ride. If you think you may come along, let me know so I can get in enough supplies. Coffee / tea is also provided.

Hope to see you in January,

Warm Regards,

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