Category: Bike Rides 2004
Hits: 5000

The weather is warming up slowly, although the last weekend in April saw temperatures soar to over 20 deg C, we were less lucky, the maximum temp reaching 13 deg C in the sunshine. For most of the time the temperature was 11 or 12 deg C. So it was still cool, but no rain, bright but not a lot of blue sky. We went to West Linton, heading up hill and in to the wind for the most part.

From the Usher Hall, we went up Lothian road, through Tollcross and Whitehouse Loan. Then along Newbattle Terrace, Canaan Lane, Woodburn Terrace, Hermitage Drive and Braidburn Terrace to Comiston Road.

We went up Comiston Road, pausing at the Tusitala for people to rest a while. We then went over Fairmilehead, along the Biggar Road, and then along the Seafield Moor Road. Along this road, we were overtaken by a long string of  Harley Davidson’s owners taking their shiny bikes out for an occasional blast. We turned off at Bilston so we could go through historic Roslin and take a minor road to Auchendinny.

At Auchendinny, we joined the Dalkeith - Penicuik Cycle Path. At Valleyfield, whilst waiting for Neil, everyone else went off to look at a monument to the French PoWs from the Napoleonic Wars. Neil and I then tried to find everyone, but ended up waiting on the Bridge.

When everyone got back together, we went up Peebles Road and turned off to take the road To West Linton. Rosemary tried to out pace me going up the hill, but obviously she was still feeling a little jet-lagged as she gave up near the top. Then we headed out across Auchenforth Moss and past Deepsyke Forest, waiting at the Carlops junction for slower riders before pressing on to West Linton.

We stopped at the Gordon Arms Hotel, where, to aid the staff, we placed one large order. Of course once the Royal Bankers heard about this, they promptly agreed to handle the bill. Those of you with RBoS accounts and Credit Cards should watch for extra charges on your next bank statement!!!!!

After lunch, we headed up a small hill to the Roman Road. Neil ‘I can’t come to meal because I have to see Chris Rea’ Robertson complained about the 55 metres in under a kilometre climb. The fact that this was followed by another short 30 metre climb wasn’t lost on him, but that we past a house called Fairslacks and we past Hells Hole; the link some people might make with Chris Rea and slacks obviously was!!! ;-)

After the short climbs, we then had a nice long descent, past some Icelandic gee-gees, in to Carlops. From there, we headed back to Deepsyke Forest, from whence; we were blown back in to Penicuik. From there, it was an easy cycle, saying goodbye to some folk as they turned off, through Milton Bridge, Bush, Dolly the sheep’s birthplace, Dick Vet and Damhead to Fairmilehead. Along Seafield Moor Road, a few more motorbikes overtook us.

Next month, you may have a different leader as I may be unavailable due to Angela obtaining a stall at the Meadows festival. I’ll email you nearer the time (or I could just take the shortest Spokes Ride ever from the Usher Hall to the Meadows?)


Speed:          20.0km/h (12.42 mph) Faster in the afternoon!!!
Distance:       66.3km (41.1miles)
Height Climbed: 665m (2182ft)
Max Temp        12 deg C, quite cool, quite breezy.