Sunday 3rd July 2022. Meet at 10:00 outside the Usher Hall, Lothian Rd.
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
-- Mark Twain
Welcome to SnowCycle, a website based on cycling and skiing.
This website has some reports and photographs from the Spokes Sunday Bike Rides that I lead. If you're interested in coming along, we meet on the 1st Sunday of the Month at the Usher Hall, Lothian Road at 10am. If you live in Edinburgh, and want to come along (there's no joining fee!!!!), let me know by using the contact form.
Spokes is the Lothian Cycle Campaign, and operates in the Council areas of Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian and West Lothian. See Spokes for more info.
Some old stuff, especially photographs, can be seen at or All this stuff is being moved in to the one website.
I have also added some details of winter holidays I have made, as well as adding photos from these trips.
Warm Regards.
Visit for handmade cards, notebooks and earrings.
A wonderful bike ride to Dunfermline, Fife. Weather was lovely, 25 people turned up for a ride across the Forth Road Bridge to Pittencrieff Park.
"Now freedom, for most, is just a word, like toast" ~ That's All, Seasick Steve
Yeah, I did say Aberlady, but Mother's Day got in the way, so we went to Ormiston, still in East Lothian. 22 people turned up for a quite lovely Spring ride. It was dry and a little cool, but there was a little brightness in the sky. Spring was here, and so were the views.
"The snowdrop and primrose our woodlands adorn, and violets bathe in the wet o' the morn." ~ Robert Burns
13 people turned up on a cold, day. The forecast was OK, but I would rather it was sunny, then the cold wouldn't matter too much. But it wasn't that bad as there was no rain, and the natural lay of the land would shelter us from the slight breeze. So there was some hope that while the sky was grey, the forecast was grey, we might actually get some sun.
"Winter came down to our home one night
Quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed slippers of snow,
And we, we were children once again." ~ Bill Morgan, Jr.
14 people turned up on a cold day. The cycle paths still hadn't thawed out, so a road route was chosen, and as it was the first ride of the year, on the second day of the year, the route would be short. I also anticipated delays to people turning up for the ride, so we did not leave until 20 past. The worst path was the cycle route at Roseburn / Ravelston.
Sun Feb 02 @10:00 - 05:00PM Spokes Ride |
Sat Feb 08 @10:30 - 05:00PM 20-Milers |
Sun Mar 02 @10:00 - 05:00PM Spokes Ride |
Sat Mar 08 @10:30 - 05:00PM 20-Milers |
Sun Apr 06 @10:00 - 05:00PM Spokes Ride |
Sat Apr 12 @10:30 - 05:00PM 20-Milers |